Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sorry not much time!

Ok so I don't have much time(hence the title of this) but I thought I would give you all a VERY quick update. My Christmas was amazing here are some of the things I got...

NINTENDO Wii .............Uncle Bill and Aunt Karen
New computer!...............Mom and dad and my grammie and papa
Digital camera ...................Santa
Hollister perfume...............Santa
Wii controller, numchuck, Wiiplay, Wiisport............Uncle Bill and aunt Karen
50$ for best buy to purchase my Sims for Nintendo Wii..............Uncle Craig and aunt Teresa
Hollister gift card.............Grandma
Hot coco to drink with my siblings from my cousin Shana, Ryan and Aubrey.
Best buy gift card......................Uncle Tim and aunt deb.
.....hmmm lets see oh!
hairspray the movie from Devin Cardottie :)
hairspray shake and shimmy expansion and dad
lots of stocking stuff from Santa
Wii shelf thing that is really cool ................Santa
Also I got to spend time with my uncle David, which I really enjoyed.

Well I think those are my main gifts sorry if I forgot yours, just let me know.
Kay well as you can see my Christmas was amazing!

I also wanted to say to I hope you get better to my cousin Ryan(who was sick all during Christmas) My grammie who stayed in bed all Christmas because she was also ill, and most of all I want all of you to please pray for Sandi Johnson, because she has lots of cancers and a few blood clots and she was in the hospital through Christmas and so I really want her to get better.

Thanks for visiting,

~stephanie joy

1 comment:

Grammie said...

Announcing....your Grammie now has a blog at You are the first to know!! What do you think? It'll be a lot better when I learn how to do it..ha,ha.

luv grammie